How To Use This
The latest release of Symbiota has rolled out the ability to create customized label formats for printing. Check with your portal managers/admins if you have that option installed in your portal.
Label formats can be defined in a variety of ways:
- Directly in the database, as a property of the collection profile;
- Directly in the formats file, using JSON definitions;
- Via User Interface, through the Label Editor ('/collections/reports/labeljsoneditor.php').
This is a prototype designed to provide a more user-friendly way to create label formats. It is in the process of being integrated into Symbiota. Feedback is appreciated.
To access the Label Editor, you have to be logged in and have the necessary admin permissions:
- Find a collection for which you'd like to print labels (either in your User Profile or in the Sitemap, depending on the permissions you have).
- In the 'Data Editor Control Panel', click the 'Print Specimen Labels' link.
- Search for a few specimens (click 'Filter Specimen Records' button) and select the desired ones by clicking their checkboxes in the results.
- Scroll down to the 'Label Printing' area.
- Click the edit icon (pencil) next to the 'Label Profiles' option.
- Find the format you wish to modify or click the green plus icon in the upper right corner to create a new one.
- You can now enter your label definitions in the form. The
formats you're defining in this interface (the Symbiota Label Content Format Generator) will generate a JSON output that you have to paste in the 'JSON' field in the form.
- Click the "Save Label Format" and go back to your label printing module to find your format available for printing!
- Additionally, you can load an existing JSON format by pasting it into the text area below the preview and then clicking "Load JSON". Caveat: it can only read simple JSON formats such as those generated by this tool for the moment.
- In your label definition main form, you need to add the path to the label helper style sheet in "default CSS" like so: